JANUARY Many of us rigorously downsized in preparation for our moves into Washington Commons. Anne visited the Friends of the Sacramento Library's Book Den many times in the first months of the year as she let go of many books. Washington Commons grew out of an idea from a seminar of Sac State's Renaissance Society This history is reported in January 2024 issue of the Recorder, the Society’s newsletter. It’s on the third page: HERE We also welcomed Patsy and Richard to our community. FEBRUARY PG&E Delay pushes our move-in to end of April; WCC co-hosted a cohousing forum with Berkeley Moshav and Mission Peak Village MARCH Dog-wash station installed, Washington Commons was featured in Mercury News and West Sac's Chamber of Commerce Newsletter APRIL We celebrated our community's sustainability at Sacramento's Earth Day fair; Oakland A’s future relocation spotlights West Sacramento; and WCC members traveled to view the total Solar Eclipse MAY PG&E delivers power to WCC just 5 days ahead of National Cohousing Open House tour at WCC. Frances channels Julia Child teaching us how to make Italian Bruschetta WCC is featured in The Sacramento Business Journal's "Redefining the Core" issue JUNE Mary and Lucas joined us just in time for our June 15th Grand Opening - view more photos of the event on our blog! Members watch the presidential debate JULY Many residents moved in, onsite home tours are regular events. Louise and Amy joined and made plans to move in. Our July 28th General Meeting ends with members gathering in the common room to light candles and support one another in mourning the sudden and accidental death of fellow member Tom earlier that day. AUGUST Our wonderful Breezeway performed beautifully in July and August. In the summer, West Sacramento is blessed with the cooling Delta Breeze coming off the San Francisco Bay. We designed our building to take advantage of it, and it does! The Breeze comes almost like clockwork in the late afternoon to cool us off - just one of many ways we live our value of sustainability! SEPTEMBER Residents meetings, movie night, and birthday celebrations have become regular events. Residents pitch in to care for Polly’s cats when she ends up in hospital. Bea takes neighbors birdwatching out in the great Yolo Bypass OCTOBER Community hosts a memorial for Tom, WCC celebrates Dias de Los Muertos. NOVEMBER WCC Members enjoyed their first holiday - and Thanksgiving - together in West Sacramento. Everyone enjoyed good food, good friends, and good conversation. DECEMBER
New holiday traditions have begun -- A Cookie Bake, Tree Decorating, a Solstice celebration, and our New Year's Eve Talent Show.
January 2025